Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Christ Church dropped two of three to Crescent Hill Baptist Church and lost their fifth straight series.

In Game One, Christ Church wasted 10 hits and scored only on Frank Preston's seventh inning solo home run and lost 2-1  .Christ Church  had two men on and no outs in the second and fourth inning, had two men on and one out in the fifth and had one man on and no outs in the seventh (after Frank's HR) and eighth without driving in any of those runners.

In Game Two, Christ Church again had 10 hits but managed four runs in a 4-0 victory.  Mike Peak (triple) drove in Jerry Hinton (single) in the first;  John Frederick (triple) drove in Frank Preston (single) in the third;  Dick Lutz (triple) drove in David Stierle (single) in the seventh; and John Frederick (triple) drove in Jerry Hinton (single) in the eighth.

Christ Church failed to score and had only two hits in Game Three.  Crescent Hill used seven doubles and a home run to win 4-0.

JIM SCHLARB, founder of the Christ Church Dartball team
passed away on May 18, 2011, at age 79.