Saturday, March 21, 2020


The covid 19 virus has claimed another victim- the rest of our season.  I do not mean to make light of the situation for tens of thousands of our fellow citizens as well as hundreds of thousands around the world, but although it is rarely revealed to our western ears, Jesus, too, used humor and it can not heart to keep laughing.

We need to thank Nancy and Leah for their preparations for a banquet.  We will not be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor but the labor was there.

Let's keep in touch over the reminder of the spring and summer.  If you have news which you would like our team to know, pass it on to me, I will include it on the blog and send it out.

JIM SCHLARB, founder of the Christ Church Dartball team
passed away on May 18, 2011, at age 79.