Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Despite out-hitting Watkins 31 to 19 Monday night, Christ Church dropped two out of three games.

In Game One, Christ Church scored in the top of the first on a single by Jerry Hinton and a triple by David Stierle.  A home run by Gene tied the score and, in the second and a home run by Norm put Watkins in front, 2-1.  In the fourth, David singled and was driven in by a triple by Mike Thompson to tie the game.  A single by David, a triple by Andy Coates and a single by Leah Bennett made the score 4-2.  In the eighth, a single, triple and single by David, Mike T. and Leah added two more runs in a twelve hit attack.  The Final - Christ Church 6 - Watkins 2.

Watkins scored first in the third inning of Game Two on a single by Doug and a triple by Gene.  Christ Church tied the game on a single by Mike Peak and a triple by David.  A single by Doug and a triple by Jeremy in the fifth and a home run by Dick in the seventh gave Watkins a 3-1 lead.  Jerry's single followed by a triple by Tom Bennett which was followed by David's triple tied the score in the eighth.  After a scoreless ninth, Mike P. singled and David tripled for a one run tenth inning lead.  But Doug and Dick led off the bottom of the tenth with back to back homers for the win,   Other hits for Christ Church- David, single; Leah, two singles; Mike P., single.  The Final - Watkins 5 - Christ Church 4 (in ten innings).

Christ Church started strong in Game Three when Jerry led off with a single and Mike P. followed with a triple,  But Christ Church failed to add to their run wasting a single by Andy, three singles by Lean and singles by Tom and Mike T.  Watkins got home runs by Norm, Bob and Jeremy and a fourth run on doubles by Keith and Norm.  The Final - Watkins 4 - Christ Church 1.

JIM SCHLARB, founder of the Christ Church Dartball team
passed away on May 18, 2011, at age 79.